Diagram Shows How Complicated NZ Abortion Is

ALRANZ Abortion Rights Aotearoa has released a diagram on its website, showing how complicated the process for getting an abortion in New Zealand is for people trying to access the procedure. The page shows a stark comparison between seeking an abortion in present-day...

ALRANZ Welcomes Law Commission Review

ALRANZ welcomes Justice Minister Little’s call for a Law Commission review of New Zealand’s abortion laws. The Minister said abortion should be treated as a health issue rather than a criminal matter. ALRANZ National President Terry Bellamak agreed with Minister...

ALRANZ Hopes Law Commission Will Result in Reform

ALRANZ acknowledges Justice Minister Little’s announcement this afternoon of an upcoming Law Commission review of New Zealand’s abortion laws, and hopes the effort will produce real reform. ALRANZ National President Terry Bellamak said abortion law reform has been a...

ALRANZ Welcomes Promise of Law Reform Under Labour

ALRANZ welcomes the announcement this afternoon of a Labour-led coalition forming the next government. During the campaign, Labour leader, now Prime Minister-elect Jacinda Ardern pledged to decriminalise abortion in New Zealand, saying pregnant people should have...

Waitemata DHB Refuses Second Woman’s Abortion

The NZ Herald has revealed the Waitemata DHB refused another pregnant woman an abortion at 18 weeks, suggesting she travel to Australia for an abortion at her own expense instead. This is the second time the Waitemata DHB has refused an abortion without allowing the...

Pro-choice Certifying Consultant Keeps Her Job

The Abortion Supervisory Committee (ASC) has decided Dr Helen Paterson can keep her appointment as a certifying consultant in spite of her pro-choice views on abortion. In July, Dr Paterson informed the ASC she believed abortion should be a matter between a woman and...

Waitemata DHB Denies Woman Abortion

The Wireless has revealed an Auckland woman says a North Shore hospital counselor prevented her from accessing abortion by refusing to refer her to see certifying consultants. The woman was 18 weeks pregnant. She said she was so traumatised she considered suicide....

Labour Party Supports Decriminalisation of Abortion

Labour Party Leader Jacinda Ardern called for the decriminalisation of abortion in the second leaders’ debate of the 2017 election season. When debate moderator Paddy Gower asked if Ardern would take abortion out of the Crimes Act, she answered unequivocally, “Yes.”...