Media Release: 2015 Prochoice Gathering


MEDIA RELEASE   22 February 2015                                                                         FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

ALRANZ to Host 21-22 March Pro-Choice Gathering in Wellington

 The Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand (ALRANZ) announced today it would be holding a pro-choice gathering on Saturday and Sunday, March 21-22, in Wellington. The gathering will cover a range of topics relating to the politics of abortion while providing an opportunity for pro-choice activists to come together and share ideas.

ALRANZ President, Dr Morgan Healey, said, “ALRANZ helped to organise a similar event in 2011, which was a great occasion for awareness raising and networking, so we thought it was time to hold another one. The event will provide a chance for anyone interested in abortion – from service delivery to law reform – to listen to amazing speakers, engage with like-minded people and to have a bit of fun”.

Organisers are still finalising the schedule of sessions and speakers. However, several experts and activists in the field have already been confirmed.

“ALRANZ is really honoured to have confirmed some fantastic speakers, including Marama Davidson, Gill Greer, Dr Simon Snook and Jackie Edmond, to name just a few. We really hope people will consider joining us in the conversation and brain-storm about where we can take the movement over the next few years,” Healey said.

ALRANZ encourages people to register for the event by 8 March. People interested in attending are asked to pay as much as they feel this opportunity it worth to them.

“We encourage people to spread the word. Anyone interested in abortion or reproductive health is welcome to attend. Given the sensitivity of the topics open for discussion, the organisers will be looking to create a safe space for respectful, non-judgmental and thoughtful discussion. We ask all attendees to bear this in mind, ” Healey said.

For more details on the event and how to register, visit:

