From Our Files: Images

Well, not really from our files, but from the Rosemary Seymour Collection at the University of Waikato, which is a treasure trove of primary resource material about second-wave feminism/Women’s Liberation Movement in Aotearoa/New Zealand. There’s also an amazing collection of posters, stickers, badges. A teeny tiny selection is below, but meanwhile, we’re looking at ‘making’ some fresh activisty paraphernalia for campaign being planned for later in the year (more on that in future posts) – e.g. badges, stickers, posters, Tees maybe (what else?) and would welcome suggestions or votes for your favourites. Leave a comment or write to use at Maybe these will spark some ideas…oh, and does anyone know what “gynaecomnemonicothanasia” is all about? (If you click on the image, it should load in full screen view):





There are a whole bunch of posts under the From Our Files category.