Well its been a while since we’ve had a round-up of blog posts, news reports, articles and videos from around the world. Here are a few from the past couple of months. Feel free to add your own in the comments if you’ve seen something we’ve missed. Or email us if you something you would like us to include in a post.

Turkish pro-choice protest

In June, in the wake of protests by Turkish citizens (see a video of one such protest here), the Turkish government abandoned plans to further restrict access to abortion by shortening the time limit for women to seek an abortions.

Abortion when a woman or girl becomes pregnant due to rape or sexual assault is legal in all Mexican states, so why are many survivors being denied this right? This post is an informative and easy to follow summary of the current situation in Mexico.

Pro-choice groups in Ireland spoke out against misleading and offensive anti-abortion billboards.

A woman in the US took secret photos of her abortion in order to help dispel the fear, lies and hysteria around abortion, and empower women to make educated decisions for their bodies.

And following on from the above Comment is Free piece, Education for Choice look at the issue of using abortion images for educational purposes.

An insightful piece about Jennie McCormack, who you may recall is the Idaho woman who was arrested and ostracised after taking RU-486 and discovering that the pregnancy was further advanced than she had thought.

Bearing in mind the video in this post is political campaign material, it’s still clear that Mitt Romney is no friend of vagina havers.

And on a lighter note, check out this amazing colouring book of vaginas!